I do not claim to be an expert in any of the above mentioned professions. But, over the Thanksgiving weekend, I tried my hand at one of them. Guesses anyone?
Nope, I didn't go out, find a turkey and have it for lunch. Maybe next year. And no, I did not learn the ancient art of wax candlestick making. I made a dessert. Maybe to a lot of you that sounds underwhelming and not a big deal. But I am no baker. I love to cook, yes, but cooking is different than baking. Baking is more of an artform. I found a delicious sounding recipe from "Oh She Glows"
here. I couldn't resist, and I don't even normally like pumpkin desserts! (I know, I know, I'm a freak).
Making desserts is so much more stressful than a main dish. First of all, the amount of dishes that I am able to use and dirty up is amazing. I really do a number on the kitchen. Secondly, you can't test the goods! The reason I like cooking is because you get to taste test throughout the process, make sure it's seasoned enough and worthy of serving. With desserts, it's all about presentation, so cutting a sliver out of that cake or pie is deemed taboo. So, I had to leave it in the fridge. (Well hide it actually so it wasn't eaten before the lunch. It's everybody for themselves in this household). And then came the big moment. Serving it to my family hoping that it was edible. Success! This dessert was really quite tasty. I would love to make it again! Even though I did cheat a little and it wasn't completely vegan. I used butter in the pecan topping and chocolate chips instead of grated chocolate.

Not bad for a rookie eh?
Other highlights of the Thanksgiving festivities:
-The weather was amazing! Warm, sun shining with the beauty of fall colours. Magnificent.
-Grandpa made a dig at the empty spot beside my other single cousin and I. Well played sir, well played. Grandpa 1 - Single ladies 0
-Euchre was played, and won by my team! Undeafeted champs of 2011.
-I was once again, somehow, deemed the family drunk. Even though I was clearly sober at that point.
-We all got to stare at our cute little baby cousin and maul her.
-Leftover turkey to boot! Turkey sandwiches here I come.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!