Sunday, June 5, 2011

Life in Transition

Ever since I started university, my life has been constantly in transition. Every year I have had to move, apply and look for new jobs, and even transferring schools. You would think that with all the moving my packing skills would improve. But instead I have gotten very good at learning to live out of a suitcase and never really settling down.

Over the past year I have met amazing people and been able to do some amazing things. People come in and out of your life. Some stay forever, some only for a short time. But they all make their own imprint.

Now that I am officially a teacher it's kind of like having 2 passports. There are so many options and choices for teachers all over the world, especially when you have nothing to tie you down. I've never been very good at making decisions. I'm full of plans and ideas, but the hard part for me is deciding on a path and sticking to it. Some people might say that I think about things too much and I should just choose and path a stick to it. It's the choosing part that's hard.

So now, as I unpack all my stuff and am starting to get settled into 'home' life with the family again, my mind can't help but wander to somewhere else. I want to travel to so many different places. The easy way to get there would be to get a job in that particular place of course. But at my age of 26 I feel like I should be starting my career in Ontario. So you can see how hard it is for me to choose what's best!

I'll never be done with school. That's the beauty of being a teacher. But I guess I am officially a grown up. (When did that happen?) I'm not exactly financially independent (the roommate situation speaks for itself - Mom and Dad), but I am emotionally and mentally independent. I'm ready for my career to start and my 'grown up' life to begin. It would be so much easier if someone would just hire me! Or if someone would just tell me what to do or make my decision for me!

I've learned a lot about myself recently having to let go and move on. The best thing I can do is be prepared for anything and to just go forward. Bring on the next chapter...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Accidentally on Purpose

People say to live your life with purpose. Knowing that purpose is not an easy thing to figure out. But, I try to partake in activities that will help my education, career, knowledge or simply help me grow. I surround myself with great family and friends that I love and love me back and that help me be a better person. I'd like to think I live my life with purpose.

Living life with purpose..deep right? But, who has the time to soul search and figure out all that we are. It's a nice thought but I'm more of a believer in the chaos theory. I think random occurances happen which lead us in the right direction. These accidents are what shape us, as long as we find how to benefit from those accidents.

There are so many things in life that are not on purpose or that happen "by accident". Babies, car accidents, breaking a glass, forgetting your anniversary..some big, some small, good, or bad, accidents are bound to happen. The best thing you can do is just roll with it.

Of course there are also those 'accidents' that happen for a reason or on purpose. I like to call this accidentally on purpose.

That waitress that 'accidentally' spilled your drink on you. Was it an accident? Stop being so rude to servers. They have a tough job.

'Accidentally' letting a secret slip out you weren't suppose to tell. Admit it. You love gossip. You can't keep a secret. It's your friends fault really for telling you that information.

Baking a batch of cupcakes and 'accidentally' eating most or all of them. Why did you make cupcakes anyway? You wanted them, don't lie.

My favorite 'accidentally on purpose' moment happens most often during the summer. There is something about the summer that just calls out my name to be drinking on a patio or beach.

On a hot day there is nothing more satisfying than lounging around lazily drinking an ice cold beer or other beverage of choice. Before you know it, you've had one too many drinks and you're 'accidentally drunk.'

So go ahead and live your life with purpose...but take full advantage of those upcoming lazy summer days where you find yourself accidentally drunk on a Tuesday afternoon.