Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bulletin Boards are for Losers

I caved a short while ago. I had been fighting the urge to do it for a long time because I knew I would get addicted. All my friends were telling me how great it was and that I should just do it. Get on it. Once the offer was put out to me, I couldn’t say no. So I did it. And I can’t get enough.

Hello, my name is Cheddar and I’m a Pinterest addict.

This is another big time waster that most of us try to justify. Whatever you’re into, you can find it. And you can pin it for later use (which you probably never will because you have pinned hundreds of things and will never find the time to do them all).

This is truly an ADD’s dream world. You go from fashion, to movies, to fitness, to food, to laughing, to crying, to saying wtf? All in the matter of minutes.

My time spent on the site does something like this:

8:00pm Whoa...what a babe. I better start working out more.

Yup, tomorrow morning I'm gonna go for a run and then I'll do yoga. I'm gonna be so fit...

I love this song! Better add this to my running playlist.

HA! That's so funny. I better pin that one so I can look back on it and laugh.

OMG! That looks amazing.


Oops I just drooled on my keyboard. I'm totally gonna make this. When there are other people around to help me eat it.

Aw these pregnancy pictures are so cute. I better save these so that 10 years when I have a baby I'll know what I want in pictures.

10:00pm zzzzzzzz

I haven't quite gotten the routine of pinning and actually doing. Apparently there's not enough time in a day to go to work, workout, make dinner, spend time on pinterest and actually get those things pinned completed. There's a flaw in this plan.

This website doesn't really help my issue of making big plans and not following through.

1 comment:

  1. Right there with you. I love the site, but it makes me feel like the biggest underachiever in the world.
