At this time last year I was on the other side of the world teaching English in Taiwan. I did not spend it with family, I did not eat turkey, I did not have a holiday. So, being present for this year's Thanksgiving, I felt very lucky to be with loved ones. Of course, there are so many other things that I am thankful for.
I am thankful to once again have a working oven. I like to cook. It was very hard to be creative with a toaster oven.
I am thankful for Tim Horton's. There is one just around the corner from me now. Tim and are in a relationship. I think I may be in love.
I am thankful for the beautiful season of fall. I love fall. The changing colors. The crisp weather. The accessories are endless - scarves, jackets, boots...oh the possibilities.
I am thankful for OSAP. The savior of students.
I am thankful to be within driving distance of most of my family and friends. Planes become a bit pricey.
I am thankful for my friends. The old ones, the new ones, the ones I have yet to meet. I am happy to say that I am pretty sure I will forever have company on each continent.
I am thankful for my family. They are loveable crazies always good for a laugh. Even if they do try to set me up with 40 year olds. Thanks D.
And last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for leftovers. Because, well, I am a starving student. There's nothing like a turkey sandwich during lunch.
So, happy Thanksgiving! Annnnd...a very happy birthday to my Dad! Love you!
If you'll excuse me, the tryptophan is kicking in.

More heavy gravy?
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