Thursday, August 18, 2011
Doesn't anybody date anymore?

Monday, August 8, 2011
My Three B's of Summer
My perfect summer just happens to include beach, beer and barbecue, in that order. (And if you're lucky you have 4 B's with boat!) If you don't drink you could replace the beer with beverage of course...but this is my perfect summer and it includes alcohol!
I've said this before that I'm lucky enough to live 20 minutes from a lake and the the beach. It helps too that I happen to work back in the little tourist town. I wouldn't consider myself a beach bum but when the sun is shining is there anything better than relaxing in the sand? You can work on your tan, play some volleyball, frisbee or football, catch up on your reading, or play in the water. Whatever you're into the beach is the place to be during summer.

The only thing that makes it better is when there is my second "B" in hand, an ice cold beer. A very satisfying sound is the crack of a can or bottle of beer. Summer wouldn't really be summer without drinks. There's something about the hot weather that makes me want to cool down with a beer or other beverage of choice. Of course you're not really suppose to drink on public beaches but there are sneaky ways around that. That's what plastic cups are made for.

Or if you're a rebel like me, you just do it in the open anyway. I do what I want.
And of course when you want to be outside as much as possible, what better way than with barbecuing your favourite treats. The beauty of it is you really can grill just about anything. Meat, veggies, fruit, pizza! I have to say making homemade grilled pizzas is a new obsession of mine. They are just so good! The crust is thin and crispy just how I like it.
If I remember correctly, this pizza had prociutto, onions, portabello mushrooms, and arugula with mozzarella cheese. The BBQ charcoal effect just made it that much more tastier. Yummy...
The absolute best is when you are able to combine all three B's to create a tri-fecta of the perfect summer. These are just a few of my favourite things about summer. You may have your own combination of letters or summer fun activities. For example maybe you're perfect summer is of P's (pool, patio and pina colada). That one sounds pretty good actually. That would be a close second for me. Or of C's (camping, coronas and canoeing). Whichever you're perfect summer includes I hope you're having it!
But of course, you're not restricted to only combine summer activities that have the same letter. That would make for some very strange activities I'm sure.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I'm here to service you...
The reason behind my long absence is sadly nothing fun and exciting, just work. I have been working long hours and weekends. Who knew having employment would take such a toll on my personal and social life? But I'm addicted to the money. You have no idea how great it is to once again have an income. It's not a great income, I mean I'm only a waitress/server (whichever term you prefer). But walking out everyday with cash is quite a departure from what I've been used to over the past year or so of school/unemployment.
This is a little shout out for my fellow servers. I've worked as a waitress before so it's not new to me. But people really don't realize that it really is hard work. If it's busy you are literally running on your feet and keeping track of a ridiculous amount of information in your head. We are on our feet all day. We don't get breaks if we're working alone. I go whole days without eating. Instead I'm drooling over the food I'm serving you. (Don't worry, I don't get any on your food. I'm good like that). We have to try to be happy 100% of the time. We may be having a shit day where everything is going wrong but all sunshine and rainbows in front of customers. That can be a challenge.
And in all honesty I really hate being a waitress. I'm good at my job because I'm a hard worker and friendly but, if it wasn't for the tips....I'd run right out of there. And thank you to all the people who do tip! We really do work hard for it. So if you're one of the people out there who tip poorly...please think of this. No, it's no picnic. And I don't mean to complain but people really do underestimate what servers are responsible for. Ever since my first server job I've always tipped very well. Don't be afraid to show the server some paper love. There are days though, like today when it's not busy and I make $5 in tips because there were only 4 customers. Terrible. However, there are those days when you walk out with at least $100 in cash.
I really do miss my social life though. Working during prime daylight hours is really cutting into my beach/tan time. It's starting to fade already. I'm the type of person that hates missing out on events too so serving other people alcohol during my Friday night makes me a little bitter.
It's always a treat too when those people you are serving hit on you and make inappropriate comments. Really? How do you find me cute right now? I'm sweating, my hair is pulled up and I'm wearing a boring work t-shirt. What I would like to know is the secret of those waitresses that somehow stay beautiful all day long. How are you not the sweaty puddle that I am? I must have missed that convention or seminar on server beauty secrets 101.