January is long gone and February is almost through. Which is why I've decided to take this time to share my goals for the year. These are not resolutions. In the past I have made grand proclamations or promises that I had no intentions of sticking to. Making plans and schemes I happen to be the queen of. Following through with these, not so much. The inner rebel inside of me doesn't want to be told what to do, even if it's from myself. Instead of setting resolutions I have no plans to follow through with, it's probably more realistic and productive to dedicate this year to things I've always wanted to do.
I have nothing against resolutions of course. I think they're a great way to start with self improvement. We all have things we need to work on. (This is probably why the gym in January is a mad house and the parking lot is full. But come February and March, the spots are back). I am constantly late. But I have no plans to change that. How would I go about this really? Who is going to be accountable for my tardiness? If we leave it to me...we're back where we started. I already admitted I'm the problem. I'm sorry family and friends but this may just be one thing you have to love and hate about me. Sometimes there's just to much emphasis put on things we need to change about ourselves. People will never be perfect. So why not try to enjoy your imperfections as they are and make the best with what you've got. So, my goal for 2012 is to cross things off my bucket list.
The bucket list. We all have one. Whether they're officially written down or not. I've been lucky to be able to cross off dreams I've had for a long time (and ones I didn't even realize I had) within the past two years or so. The two goals that I really want to cross off this year are to run a 5k race and learn to play the guitar. The race is a fairly new spot on my list but I can do it on a treadmill. I just need to learn to run outside. Who realized there was a difference? So hopefully by the summer I can enter in a couple races and cross that bad boy from my list. For the guitar playing, I have no idea how I'm going to go about doing that, but I'm excited about it! I love music and would love to be able to just whip out a guitar by a campfire and start a singalong. And I am positive my family is SUPER excited to hear my practice. I took piano lessons one year and still have Ode to Joy memorized. I'm pretty sure I have a little musical inclination.
So there you have it. My 2012 goals for the year. Simple? Yes. But hopefully by writing it and 'announcing' it I will be held accountable. And, if for some reason I don't get to these goals...the world is suppose to end in 2012 anyway right?
Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
The L Word and other confessions
No I'm not coming out of the closet. I'm not a lesbian (not that there's anything wrong with that!) I'm referring to the other L word. Yes, love. The often sought after, talked about, song singing, poem writing emotion. With Valentine's Day just around the corner I thought it appropriate to acknowledge it.
A few weeks ago when chatting with some girlfriends the "first love" topic was brought up. I casually commented that I have never been in love. This comment resulted in shocked and appalled looks from my friends. I didn't think this was news to them but (gasp!) apparently it was. Truthfully I thought I might've been at one point in my life and even felt like saying it. As George Costanza so eloquently puts it, everyone else gets to say it...why can't I? Not wanting to have that large matzah ball hanging out there I didn't say anything. I'm glad I didn't though because obviously it wasn't love.
This post is not to make you pity or feel sorry for me though. Depsite not yet having romantic love in my life I am truly blessed to be constantly surrounded by friends and family that I adore and for some reason, love me back. That's what I will always remember Valentine's Day for. Those days when you beautifully decorated a kleenex box with glitter and glue to be filled with Ninja Turtle or Barbie cards signed by all your best friends.
I'm not much of a romantic so Valentine's Day will never be a day I get excited for or choose to celebrate. Except this year. I'm choosing to raise my glass and toast to you this V-Day.
I make a toast to not being in love and celebrating with some wonderful friends.
Cheers to terrible choices I have made in the past and no longer having to date them.
Here's to not having to fake real sentiment with candy and cards. Here's to spending my hard earned cash on myself this year.
I toast to getting hit on by sad and desperate strangers in a dimly lit bar. That's where I'll be this coming Tuesday.
Who needs love when there's vodka.

Now there's a romantic gesture. But seriously, Sir, what do you think you're doing with that spoon? Put the spoon down.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Super Bowl Sunday = not so super Monday
Chances are, you spent Sunday night sighting in front of your television watching the Super Bowl. If not, seriously, what were you doing? It may be the only football game I dedicate myself to watching all year but it's tradition. If only for the commercials and half time show.
If you did tune in, chances are Monday morning you found yourself doing some other Super Bowl traditions:
If you did tune in, chances are Monday morning you found yourself doing some other Super Bowl traditions:
- Hugging the toilet. For one reason or another, the morning after Super Bowl, your body hates you. You spent the better part of the day shoving terrible things in your body. Cheese, grease, meat, wings, chips, dip, beer, vodka....I'm not sure what it is about this time of year that turns everyone into gluttonous whores but it's the same thing every year. I did my part and made some delicious dips for people to enjoy Sunday evening and hate Monday morning. If you're team won you probably celebrated with drinks or shots and if you're team lost you probably comforted the pain with drinks or shots.
- Which brings me to my next point...calling in sick. Apparently the Monday after Super Bowl is one of the most popular times for workers to call in sick. Be it a booze hangover or a food hangover, nobody feels great. Tsk tsk if you are one of these people. If you chose to stick it out and head into work nauseous good for you! Your employer thanks you I'm sure, even if it is your most unproductive day to date.
- You are on the run from a gambling bet gone wrong. If this is you. What are you doing reading? Pack up and go man!
Happy Tuesday!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Judging a book by it's cover
We've all heard the saying never to judge a book by it's cover. But we all do it. We're all guilty of forming our first opinions of someone based on how they're dressed, walks, looks or even speaks. These famous first impressions are so often off the mark.
Just think back to the story of Beauty and the Beast. The Prince judged that old lady and he paid for it. Tsk tsk. We all want to make a good first impression and we all have a loosely based idea of how we are perceived. Even if our view of ourselves doesn't quite match what others see.
I'm not sure what it is about me but I've had a lot of people admit their first impressions of me and how wrong they were. Maybe I have an identity crisis I'm unaware of or really am that mysterious. I'm always amused by those comments, even if they are sometimes way off base. So I thought I'd share some with you.
1. "You look like a girl that is into black guys."
I will always remember my friend Jommy saying this to me even though it's not the first time I've heard that. Maybe it's my ghetto booty or gangsta swag. (not likely). I am in no way offended or against this, but I have to say it's not true. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem dating anyone that I hit it off with. But, I don't actively seek it out. Living in a small town community I never really had the opportunity to even try. Our options are limited to Dutch, farmer or Dutch-farmer.
2. "You look like you could be a country western singer."
This one I have to admit is not way off base. I did grow up on a farm and live in the country. But I can't help thinking number 1 and 2 are conflicting impressions. However, I do not have big hair or sparkly outfits. Maybe it's all the denim or hats I wear.
To go with that, I have been told numerous times I have some sort of accent. My roommate in first year university told me I had an accent. Up until that point in my life I was blissfully unaware that I spoke with some sort of Canadian drawl. Now I notice it changes depending on who I'm with or where I am. I never make fun of those 'fake British' accents anymore. You can't help but pick up on the lingo of present company. I like to think of it as an empathetic accent. Ever since returning home from Taiwan 2 years ago, I've been told by my American friend MJ that it's thickened. So apparently since returning to the farm, the 'ehs' have increased and my 'hick accent' has picked up.
3. "You're just so innocent"
I'm not sure what it is about me that people think is so naive or innocent but it seems to be a popular opinion of me. I must have that doe-eyed look down pat.
If they only knew.
So I guess my point is that you never truly know a person until you take time to get to know them and hear what they have to say. Even if it is with an accent.
Just think back to the story of Beauty and the Beast. The Prince judged that old lady and he paid for it. Tsk tsk. We all want to make a good first impression and we all have a loosely based idea of how we are perceived. Even if our view of ourselves doesn't quite match what others see.
I'm not sure what it is about me but I've had a lot of people admit their first impressions of me and how wrong they were. Maybe I have an identity crisis I'm unaware of or really am that mysterious. I'm always amused by those comments, even if they are sometimes way off base. So I thought I'd share some with you.
1. "You look like a girl that is into black guys."
I will always remember my friend Jommy saying this to me even though it's not the first time I've heard that. Maybe it's my ghetto booty or gangsta swag. (not likely). I am in no way offended or against this, but I have to say it's not true. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem dating anyone that I hit it off with. But, I don't actively seek it out. Living in a small town community I never really had the opportunity to even try. Our options are limited to Dutch, farmer or Dutch-farmer.
2. "You look like you could be a country western singer."
This one I have to admit is not way off base. I did grow up on a farm and live in the country. But I can't help thinking number 1 and 2 are conflicting impressions. However, I do not have big hair or sparkly outfits. Maybe it's all the denim or hats I wear.
To go with that, I have been told numerous times I have some sort of accent. My roommate in first year university told me I had an accent. Up until that point in my life I was blissfully unaware that I spoke with some sort of Canadian drawl. Now I notice it changes depending on who I'm with or where I am. I never make fun of those 'fake British' accents anymore. You can't help but pick up on the lingo of present company. I like to think of it as an empathetic accent. Ever since returning home from Taiwan 2 years ago, I've been told by my American friend MJ that it's thickened. So apparently since returning to the farm, the 'ehs' have increased and my 'hick accent' has picked up.
3. "You're just so innocent"
I'm not sure what it is about me that people think is so naive or innocent but it seems to be a popular opinion of me. I must have that doe-eyed look down pat.
If they only knew.
So I guess my point is that you never truly know a person until you take time to get to know them and hear what they have to say. Even if it is with an accent.
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