Monday, December 26, 2011
Tis the Season
This is the time when you surround yourself with friends, family and loved ones. This is also the time when us singles are constantly bombarded by articles in magazines or television specials telling us how to get through the holidays alone. (I'll tell you how...alcohol!)
Titles such as:
"Single? How to make it through the season alone"
"Coping with Christmas alone"
"Survive the holidays as a single"
"Home Alone for the Holidays"
"How to not kill yourself for being a single loser during the holidays"
Honestly, I never really think of myself as alone until they tell me that, yes, I am in fact single - which apparently is a synonym for lonely and sad. Strangely enough it is also the time of year I see most of the people in my life. Get togethers, dinners,'s a never ending parade of people.
So I've comprised my own list of why being single isn't all that bad during this season.
1. Not spending as much money - Yes this one is obvious. You have less gifts to buy so you will in fact save some of the hard earned moolah. These savings can be put toward something much more useful during this time of year - booze. Vodka, whiskey, wine oh my! This is also a great time of year to visit the LCBO with the specialty drinks that come out. Happy shopping!
2. You don't have to decide where to spend the holidays. Yes, that ever looming fight and ultimate decision does not have to be made. You can spend the holidays wherever you damn well please and can stay as long as you like. This is also great because this decreases your travel time and increases the drinking time. Noone likes people to drink and drive - ever, but especially during the holidays.
3. Noone to impress. You are not fretting over being cute and funny when meeting new family members for the first time and trying to keep things under control. Instead, you get to spend it with people who already love you and accept you. Drunk or not.
I won't lie, there may be times when you will feel a little like singing "Blue Christmas" and start to feel sorry for yourself. Like this year, when seeing the signed card for Grandma and Grandpa from my family.
Mom and Dad
Brother 1 and K
Brother 2 and R
The cheese stands alone.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Jamaican me thirsty, Jamaican me crazy...Jamaican me laugh
Jamaica is beautiful and the resort we stayed at was wonderful! (Iberostar Rose Hall Suites shout out and high five!) This was the first time I've been with an all inclusive package and let me tell you...they make some delicious cocktails. The bartenders do not spare on the booze.
The atmosphere in Jamaica is completely relaxed ("ya mon") and everything really is "no problem". Well that is until our family shows up.
Trying to leave the restaurant with a plate in hand. Problem
Trying to eat at the buffet with no shoes. Problem
Leaving a show with glass cups. Problem.
Walking into the more expensive hotel attached to your own. Problem. (Except if you're walking the bride back to her room. We are very good babysitters and smooth talkers).
Dancing on the dance floor with drinks in your hand. Problem. (Although to be fair...we did break some glasses and an announcement had to be made and the glass area cautioned off.) Oops!
We are such a bunch of trouble makers.
We really only had time to do one excursion while we were there. So we hired our taxi driver from the airport to take us to Negril. 'Oneness' (Del Roy) drove us and educated us along the way to the white sand beaches and shopping of Negril. After playing in the water and along the beach we headed to Rick's Cafe for apparently one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. While there, some of us decided to partake in a little cliff diving. Resulting in some mean bruises along my legs.
It was such a memorable holiday with a beautiful wedding to boot! Drinking, dancing, eating, laughing...too much fun!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Freaky Friday
To protect the insane and potentially dangerous I'll call the particular man Mr. Instant Coffee. (I should have known he would be slightly off-kilter when he was okay with drinking instant coffee. Yuck). Here is our basic conversation while he sat and enjoyed his microwaved brew.
Mr. Instant Coffee: You know there are only two people in this world. Extroverts and introverts. Extroverts spend their time looking at tv and looking at people. Introverts spend their time looking into themselves.
Me: I thought extroverts were social people and introverts were more shy.
Mr. IC: That too.
Mr. IC: You wouldn't by chance be a mother?
Me: Why?
Mr. IC: You just seem very mature for your age.
Me: Well, I am 26.
Mr. IC: That's a haunting age for me. I had a friend kill herself at 26.
Me: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Mr. IC: Well, people knew she was suicidal and didn't stop her. So she was basically murdered.
Mr IC: People that drive white vehicles have black hearts and are greedy.
Me: That's an interesting theory.
Mr. IC: I like to share what I know with people.
Lucky me.
This glimpse into my life was brought to you by Bud Light. Because after that shift I definitely needed quite a few of those.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Gimmie some Mo'
I'm not quite sure when my obsession started. Subconciously it had to have begun when I was young. That's probably why I enjoyed playing Super Mario Bros. so much. Mario and Luigi running around saving the Princess and squashing mushrooms. You can't get more macho than that. Or maybe it started when I realized how much fun it is to wear silly staches and make videos with your crazy friends. It's always funny. But in a serious kind of way.
But, an obsession it is. I LOVE Movember and the men that support it. All the different shapes, sizes and colours of mustaches is enough to make a girl croon/cringe. This is the time when it is acceptable and even encouraged to let the hair go.
So, ladies, I beg of you this. Don't shy away or scowl at that upper lip. Behind that hairy man is a supportive and fun loving dude. Be a Mo' Hoe. Show some love and recognize that his face has made a sacrifice for his bros. There's a reason women all over the world share a love for Tom Selleck and Burt Reynolds. Obviously, it's their manly stache.
Please visit the Movember website for more information or show your support.
Separating the men from the boys one face at a time.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Random Awesomeness. On a Tuesday. In Toronto
When that Tuesday finally rolled around I was so excited to be doing something new and fresh in the middle of the week. Everyone needs to have more randomness in their lives, whatever form it may come in.
My friend M. and I made the road trip to Port Credit and pick up our friend J. We walked around the cute town as we waited for her to be done work and chatted while getting in some impromptu exercise. Once we got into Toronto we didn't really have much of a plan from there. I parked the car and as we were about 3 hours early before the concert started, we had some time to kill. Being the ever so technology savvy ladies that we are, we used our phones to check out local pubs. Specifically, we searched for an Irish Pub. Because really, who has ever had a bad time involving beer, food and the Irish? Not me!
We stumbled upon an amazingly fun pub in Cabbagetown called Stout. We grabbed one of their games available to play at our table. Nothing like a flashback of your youth playing Uno while drinking beer. We really had found a gem of a place. They had an extensive list of beers brewed in Canada and a special on Pumpkin beer. Yum! Gotta love fall, everything turns into pumpkin flavoured goodness, even the alcohol. So of course, I had to try it. I wasn't disappointed.
This random Tuesday happened to be their "Pubstumpers" quiz night so after some time the place was packed. But, we didn't have time to partake in the quiz night. We would definitely need to make another visit to this place someday. There really is nothing quite like testing your trivia knowledge amongst friends while eating and drinking. So after a couple delicious ales, a great dinner, and multiple pick up 10s in our neverending Uno games, we were ready to make the short walk to The Phoenix for some wonderful music.
Some of the most ruthless Uno players you'll ever meet.
Milo Greene was the opening act for The Civil Wars and I was pleasantly surprised. They had a great sound were super fun and energetic and their songs were very catchy! I kind of wish I bought their EP....dang. Watch out for them!
As The Civil Wars came on, there was a quiet that came over the entire audience as they played. Their voices are both amazing and together they have such good chemistry. The show was so simple, charming and just beautiful. Their music speaks for itself. For those of you who haven't heard of this band. Honestly, Youtube it up. They are amazing. They don't need crazy dance numbers or light shows (because first of all it would be ridiculous for their music) but their music speaks for itself. I can't say enough good things about them.

Joy Williams and John Paul White make up The Civil Wars.
Check out them playing my favourite song, Poison and Wine . They also came on for an encore and played Billie Jean. I didn't catch the very beginning but you get the drift. Love!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sugar High

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Do a Little Dance...
It's a simple yet seductive move that attracts men and women alike. My brothers and I didn't realize what a phenomenon it would turn into, but everytime we turn around people are begging for it. You can do it at anytime and I fully suggest it. The jig can be performed for any occasion and can capture a happy, sad or angry moment. Caution should be given though, as it can generate a lot of attention.

The Dee Jig had truly humble beginnings. It all originated with the head of the family. You had to be quick to notice when it was happening because it did so in a flash. But, when moving between rooms in the house, Dad would throw his head back, open his arms, bend one knee and begin to do the jig as if holding an imaginary towel. Yes, this is how it began.
If you are truly a lucky person, you will be able to see the move performed by the originator himself. But that is rare, and is as sought after as a unicorn, or bigfoot. A bonus of living in a small town area is the possibility that you will have our whole family at an event where dancing will take place. Having my brothers and I perform this move is requested often, but of course, happens once in a blue moon. We don't want to overdo it.
Dance as if no one is watching.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker
Nope, I didn't go out, find a turkey and have it for lunch. Maybe next year. And no, I did not learn the ancient art of wax candlestick making. I made a dessert. Maybe to a lot of you that sounds underwhelming and not a big deal. But I am no baker. I love to cook, yes, but cooking is different than baking. Baking is more of an artform. I found a delicious sounding recipe from "Oh She Glows" here. I couldn't resist, and I don't even normally like pumpkin desserts! (I know, I know, I'm a freak).
Making desserts is so much more stressful than a main dish. First of all, the amount of dishes that I am able to use and dirty up is amazing. I really do a number on the kitchen. Secondly, you can't test the goods! The reason I like cooking is because you get to taste test throughout the process, make sure it's seasoned enough and worthy of serving. With desserts, it's all about presentation, so cutting a sliver out of that cake or pie is deemed taboo. So, I had to leave it in the fridge. (Well hide it actually so it wasn't eaten before the lunch. It's everybody for themselves in this household). And then came the big moment. Serving it to my family hoping that it was edible. Success! This dessert was really quite tasty. I would love to make it again! Even though I did cheat a little and it wasn't completely vegan. I used butter in the pecan topping and chocolate chips instead of grated chocolate.
-Grandpa made a dig at the empty spot beside my other single cousin and I. Well played sir, well played. Grandpa 1 - Single ladies 0
Happy belated Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Girl crushes are a healthy form of's science
I first fell in love after seeing some episodes of Girls Behaving Badly. I always love watching and listening to a truly funny woman. So many of them get it wrong. My little crush grew after reading her book "My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands". Her writing and humour is so raw, honest and at times, slightly disturbing. Right up my alley.
I just recently purchased her latest "Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang" and can't wait to rip into it. I know I'm going to have awkward laugh out loud moments in public and can't wait to do so. I feel so lucky to be able to watch her nightly on her show Chelsea Lately and listen to her degrade and humiliate others. Thank you for that Ms. Handler.

My second celebrity crush is another successful auther and commedianne. Tina Fey. I have always loved her admittedly nerdy style and self-deprecating humour. She is truly a successful and smart business woman. Her stints on "Weekend Update" during Saturday Night Live were enough to prove she had what it takes.
We truly are blessed to be able to watch her weekly on 30 Rock. I often scare my parents, ahem, roommates, by my raucous laughter into thinking I'm dying or that the world is ending. No, no, just uncontrollably laughing.
During the summer I swiftly read through "Bossypants" and found it hard to contain myself from laughing out loud on the beach. I knew it would be a good read when in the book store I started giggling after one of the first few lines. Well done.
Every awkward adolescent should read this.
Not many people can send me into fits of uncontrollable laughter and Ms. Fey, you are one of the lucky ones.
Friday, September 23, 2011
There's no crying in baseball...and other life lessons learned from Tom Hanks
There have always been parallels between baseball and life. There are people that make their fame from sprouting those memorable quotes dedicated to the similarities. And who are we kidding, everyone in life is looking to hit a homerun. (Get your mind out of the gutter). I'm talking about pushing those limits to the point to reach your maximum potential. Now that I've made you feel like a pervert, get your mind back in that gutter and make the other connection.
As an avid baseball player for many years, I can understand and appreciate the line "there's no crying in baseball." I hate crying. Actually, let me rephrase that...I don't hate anything, that's such a strong word. I resent crying. Maybe it has to do with growing up with two brothers and any sign of "girly" weakness would be promptly matched with a punch to the arm.
I have never liked people to see me cry. I don't even like to admit that I do it. But, let's face it. Everyone at some point in their life, will cry. And if you say you haven't, you're a liar. You were a baby once right? Gotcha there. I don't like people to see me cry because it turns my face into a red, puffy, soggy, wrenched-up mess. My whole body sobs. It's not a pretty sight. This particular display of emotion for me is best saved for long car rides all alone or in the shower. My two favourite places to shed those alligator tears. (Shh don't tell anyone).
Even when other people cry, it makes me uncomfortable. I don't know what to do. Common sense dictates to give them a hug. Which, I would be more than happy to do. Hugs I love. But, some people don't want to be hugged or let alone touched when they're crying. So you just sit there and stare at them, trying to console them, but ultimately saying all the wrong things.
There are appropriate times and places for one to let those tears fall. I'm not made of stone. Sad movies or books make me tear up. But, sports is a time when crying is out of place. It is the one place where you are praised for getting dirty and aggressive. Don't ruin that with tears.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Rhetorical Question?
Every single girl's worst nightmare. Your singleness is clearly rubbed in your face (is it that obvious?) and you are given a compliment, usually by a creepy man sitting at the bar where I work. First of all, I'm not very good with compliments anyway. They make me uncomfortable when I'm not expecting them. And I feel the need to reciprocate them, but that's very hard when the man staring at me has poor hygiene and clearly hasn't showered. And I never know how to respond to this question. Thank you? Or go with the more obvious, How dare you assume I'm single!
But the truth is, this question is fully loaded. Any attempt you make to answer it seems less than profound.
"I don't know."
"I like being single."
And your forced to psycho-analyze yourself or your exes to, basically a stranger. Really though, the bare bones of the question asking, "You seem normal, but really, what's wrong with you?"
Is it so strange for a 20-something woman these days to be single? What's that you say? Yes it is. hmmm...
What I really want to say to this question is, mind your business. If I knew the answer to that question I probably wouldn't be single and we wouldn't be having this terrible conversation. But of course, I don't say that because I'm too polite. And we end up having an awkward conversation about what I'm looking for. Or, the creepy man that asked that question then decides to make his move and between sips of beer decides now is the opportune time to ask me for a date. Now I have to awkwardly turn this man down, make a joke and run to the back so I don't have to talk to him anymore. I need a new job.
Moral of the story: Single does not equal desperate. And beer does not work on the person that is not drinking.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Doesn't anybody date anymore?

Monday, August 8, 2011
My Three B's of Summer
My perfect summer just happens to include beach, beer and barbecue, in that order. (And if you're lucky you have 4 B's with boat!) If you don't drink you could replace the beer with beverage of course...but this is my perfect summer and it includes alcohol!
I've said this before that I'm lucky enough to live 20 minutes from a lake and the the beach. It helps too that I happen to work back in the little tourist town. I wouldn't consider myself a beach bum but when the sun is shining is there anything better than relaxing in the sand? You can work on your tan, play some volleyball, frisbee or football, catch up on your reading, or play in the water. Whatever you're into the beach is the place to be during summer.

The only thing that makes it better is when there is my second "B" in hand, an ice cold beer. A very satisfying sound is the crack of a can or bottle of beer. Summer wouldn't really be summer without drinks. There's something about the hot weather that makes me want to cool down with a beer or other beverage of choice. Of course you're not really suppose to drink on public beaches but there are sneaky ways around that. That's what plastic cups are made for.

Or if you're a rebel like me, you just do it in the open anyway. I do what I want.
And of course when you want to be outside as much as possible, what better way than with barbecuing your favourite treats. The beauty of it is you really can grill just about anything. Meat, veggies, fruit, pizza! I have to say making homemade grilled pizzas is a new obsession of mine. They are just so good! The crust is thin and crispy just how I like it.
If I remember correctly, this pizza had prociutto, onions, portabello mushrooms, and arugula with mozzarella cheese. The BBQ charcoal effect just made it that much more tastier. Yummy...
The absolute best is when you are able to combine all three B's to create a tri-fecta of the perfect summer. These are just a few of my favourite things about summer. You may have your own combination of letters or summer fun activities. For example maybe you're perfect summer is of P's (pool, patio and pina colada). That one sounds pretty good actually. That would be a close second for me. Or of C's (camping, coronas and canoeing). Whichever you're perfect summer includes I hope you're having it!
But of course, you're not restricted to only combine summer activities that have the same letter. That would make for some very strange activities I'm sure.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I'm here to service you...
The reason behind my long absence is sadly nothing fun and exciting, just work. I have been working long hours and weekends. Who knew having employment would take such a toll on my personal and social life? But I'm addicted to the money. You have no idea how great it is to once again have an income. It's not a great income, I mean I'm only a waitress/server (whichever term you prefer). But walking out everyday with cash is quite a departure from what I've been used to over the past year or so of school/unemployment.
This is a little shout out for my fellow servers. I've worked as a waitress before so it's not new to me. But people really don't realize that it really is hard work. If it's busy you are literally running on your feet and keeping track of a ridiculous amount of information in your head. We are on our feet all day. We don't get breaks if we're working alone. I go whole days without eating. Instead I'm drooling over the food I'm serving you. (Don't worry, I don't get any on your food. I'm good like that). We have to try to be happy 100% of the time. We may be having a shit day where everything is going wrong but all sunshine and rainbows in front of customers. That can be a challenge.
And in all honesty I really hate being a waitress. I'm good at my job because I'm a hard worker and friendly but, if it wasn't for the tips....I'd run right out of there. And thank you to all the people who do tip! We really do work hard for it. So if you're one of the people out there who tip poorly...please think of this. No, it's no picnic. And I don't mean to complain but people really do underestimate what servers are responsible for. Ever since my first server job I've always tipped very well. Don't be afraid to show the server some paper love. There are days though, like today when it's not busy and I make $5 in tips because there were only 4 customers. Terrible. However, there are those days when you walk out with at least $100 in cash.
I really do miss my social life though. Working during prime daylight hours is really cutting into my beach/tan time. It's starting to fade already. I'm the type of person that hates missing out on events too so serving other people alcohol during my Friday night makes me a little bitter.
It's always a treat too when those people you are serving hit on you and make inappropriate comments. Really? How do you find me cute right now? I'm sweating, my hair is pulled up and I'm wearing a boring work t-shirt. What I would like to know is the secret of those waitresses that somehow stay beautiful all day long. How are you not the sweaty puddle that I am? I must have missed that convention or seminar on server beauty secrets 101.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Overeducated, underemployed, overqualified?
After two weeks I was very frustrated with the whole process and not having any feedback from employers was making me lose hope. You can imagine how much my frustration had mounted after two months of this process. I was ready to accept my bum status and had a piece of cardboard ready for signage.
I knew I needed to do something about my situation. I was becoming jaded and angry. How could a person with two degrees and experience working full time not be getting interviews? I no longer felt optimistic and positive about it. And I am just a positive person. I was feeling the economic punch in the stomach after only 2 months. I can't imagine people with a family who are going through this. I'm lucky that I had an out. Move back home with my parents. Which is what I did.
I sucked up my pride and packed up my stuff and made the move once again to my childhood home. It felt somewhat like admitting defeat. But I definitely made the right choice. Within two weeks of moving back with my new roommates, I had two interviews. I think they could smell the desperation.
So once again I'm feeling positive about the future with my two jobs. I've been applying to teaching jobs that have been opeing up. So, while I wait for my teaching career to start I am perfectly content spending my days working and at the beach. Yes, I live close to a beach. You can go ahead and be jealous now. Everything is coming up Cheddar.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Life in Transition
Over the past year I have met amazing people and been able to do some amazing things. People come in and out of your life. Some stay forever, some only for a short time. But they all make their own imprint.
Now that I am officially a teacher it's kind of like having 2 passports. There are so many options and choices for teachers all over the world, especially when you have nothing to tie you down. I've never been very good at making decisions. I'm full of plans and ideas, but the hard part for me is deciding on a path and sticking to it. Some people might say that I think about things too much and I should just choose and path a stick to it. It's the choosing part that's hard.
So now, as I unpack all my stuff and am starting to get settled into 'home' life with the family again, my mind can't help but wander to somewhere else. I want to travel to so many different places. The easy way to get there would be to get a job in that particular place of course. But at my age of 26 I feel like I should be starting my career in Ontario. So you can see how hard it is for me to choose what's best!
I'll never be done with school. That's the beauty of being a teacher. But I guess I am officially a grown up. (When did that happen?) I'm not exactly financially independent (the roommate situation speaks for itself - Mom and Dad), but I am emotionally and mentally independent. I'm ready for my career to start and my 'grown up' life to begin. It would be so much easier if someone would just hire me! Or if someone would just tell me what to do or make my decision for me!
I've learned a lot about myself recently having to let go and move on. The best thing I can do is be prepared for anything and to just go forward. Bring on the next chapter...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Accidentally on Purpose
Living life with purpose..deep right? But, who has the time to soul search and figure out all that we are. It's a nice thought but I'm more of a believer in the chaos theory. I think random occurances happen which lead us in the right direction. These accidents are what shape us, as long as we find how to benefit from those accidents.
There are so many things in life that are not on purpose or that happen "by accident". Babies, car accidents, breaking a glass, forgetting your anniversary..some big, some small, good, or bad, accidents are bound to happen. The best thing you can do is just roll with it.
Of course there are also those 'accidents' that happen for a reason or on purpose. I like to call this accidentally on purpose.
That waitress that 'accidentally' spilled your drink on you. Was it an accident? Stop being so rude to servers. They have a tough job.
'Accidentally' letting a secret slip out you weren't suppose to tell. Admit it. You love gossip. You can't keep a secret. It's your friends fault really for telling you that information.
Baking a batch of cupcakes and 'accidentally' eating most or all of them. Why did you make cupcakes anyway? You wanted them, don't lie.
My favorite 'accidentally on purpose' moment happens most often during the summer. There is something about the summer that just calls out my name to be drinking on a patio or beach.
On a hot day there is nothing more satisfying than lounging around lazily drinking an ice cold beer or other beverage of choice. Before you know it, you've had one too many drinks and you're 'accidentally drunk.'
So go ahead and live your life with purpose...but take full advantage of those upcoming lazy summer days where you find yourself accidentally drunk on a Tuesday afternoon.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Yoga for Beginners
The first thing I noticed when I walked into the studio is the calmness and quietness of it all. I'm used to intense cardio workouts with pumping jams blasting out, so this is of course quite a departure from that. It's almost eerie to be so aware of how your body is moving and to concentrate on your breath. That is one thing that I acknowledge I need to learn to do. Just breathe. I find myself holding my breath more than once. Holding your breath for too long is never a good thing.
The first pose called savasana is all about relaxation and I never thought that could be so difficult. The first class I did I almost started to giggle. Terrible I know. But I found it so hard to get thoughts out of my mind and just succumb to my breath. In the third class the teacher told us if we have a thought about our upcoming day, acknowledge it, inhale and let the thought out when you exhale. If only everything that stresses you out could leave with a simple breath.
In my relaxation state when I'm trying to have a clear mind, I think this is when most thoughts pop into my head.
"What am I going to have for dinner?"
"Man, I need a job."
"I hope someone, anyone, calls for an interview soon."
"My cheek has an itch. I better not scratch it. She'll know I'm not concentrating. It's getting worse. I'll just scratch it quickly. Maybe she won't notice."
I really hope I am not the only beginner that feels or thinks this way. Otherwise, I'm gonna need more than yoga to help me!
As we go through all the different poses and postures it's amazing the ones you think should be easy are not. And the ones you think "there's no way my body can do that" are easy. It's surprising how very little I am aware of myself and body.
However, at the end of class, the instructor told me my "wheel" pose (which you may know as a bridge), is amazing. I have a flexible back. Who knew? I'm pretty sure it's the only flexible part of my body...for now. Thank you elementary school gymnastics.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Cinco de Mayo Celebrations
A meal this good has to be washed down with some festive drinks of course. We decided to make and enjoy some frozen beverages. I'm not exactly sure Cinco de Mayo is celebrated for, but I'm not one to turn down a drink! Margaritas would have been the more obvious choice but with no tequila on hand, only rum, we made do with Pina Coladas! mmmm
Note: Beware the sugar hangovers that are bound to follow after drinking these all day!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I'm not sure if it's a combination of these things in particular or something else, but people tend to not take me seriously. It could also be the fact that when I tell stories or try to explain things, the word 'like' seems to take over my vocabulary. And I know it's not just seems to be a trend among young people. Whether this came from the 90210 days or somewhere else but it's definitely something I am much more aware of after teaching. I am now very aware of the way I speak and I try very hard not to turn everything into a simile.
One of the reasons I really enjoy teaching is these little imperfections come out and you are forced to fix them. One of my other favourite parts of teaching is the kids take everything you say as the word of god. They take you seriously. To them, you know everything and even if you make a mistake, they forget about it 2 seconds later. Kids are the best. We could really take some pointers from these little guys.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Closer to 30
I'm not married. Not even close. Not even a proposal looming. And I'm in no rush.
I don't have kids. I'm not a mother. But let's face it, that's probably a good thing at this point in my life.
And definitely no career started yet. I can't wait to be a full time teacher someday but who knows how long that will take! It's not exactly in high demand right now. I am instead a student.
As people so lovingly tell me, I am now closer to 30 than 20. Somewhere along the way, those little girl dreams have changed from marriage, kids, career into something else. I have a bucket list for myself, and although those things are included on it. There are about 30 other things that are unrelated to the traditional dreams. But as I've said before, age is merely a number. And I don't feel 26. I'm told I don't look 26. Even though I'm slowly starting to notice some laugh lines. (I'm not so against botox anymore).
There are some things I am sure of. I will ineveitably get older and those laugh lines will deepen. But, I'm also sure there is so much more to life than living for what is 'supposed to be'. I'm sure these things will happen for me someday, but I'm in no rush. I'm enjoying living in the moment and making the most of what I have now. And what I have is no money and no job...but I've got great family and friends. Even some that would make a very generous donation....
PS...Just a little update on my no eating fast food. It's been 2 weeks and I'm proud to say I have not faltered! (Although I don't include Subway or Tim Horton's under the fast food category).
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Give it up
What I am self denying during this time is fast food. That's right, no McDonalds, no Wendys, no Harveys, no Burger King, no Taco Bell, etc. They will just have to learn to live without my money.
But I did learn something new yesterday. Shrove Tuesday, or Pancake Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday is special because you are allowed and encouraged to stuff your face with paczis (sp?). From what I understand they are jelly filled doughnuts but better than the regular kind because they are fatter. Who knew? I didn't partake in this jelly-filled heaven because I'm not a fan of regular sized ones so I assumed I also wouldn't enjoy the fatter version.
So I wish you all well on your journey of self denial and hope you don't kill anyone in the crossfire.

Hands off!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The Farting Diaries
Everyone does it. Everyone knows it. But so many of us can't talk about it.
I've met some people that are in long term relationships and even married, that will not, or cannot, fart in front of their significant other. It has always been my belief that once you are truly comfortable around a person...farts ensue. This can only mean you really like the person to completely be yourself. You probably do it in front of your family. My brothers used to fart in jars, leave it for days and have us smell it later. Gross, but true.
You're bound to let one slip sooner or later if you spend a large amount of time with a person. That can't be helped. It may be by accident, on purpose, or simply for the sake of saving your stomach from imploding because you've been holding them in.
Now, I'm not saying to just let them rip whenever you feel like it. I mean, it's just common decency to not have that poor unsuspecting person in the grocery aisle run in the other direction when you drop a silent bomb. Also, save yourself a little embarrassment if you're not sure whether the sound can be controlled. But, we all know it happens.
It's puzzling as to why society is so disgusted by farting but burping is quickly forgiven by an "excuse me." They are both passing gas. Does farting need an "excuse me" when done in front of others? Maybe. Once the laughter stops. Or will it never be ok because it comes from your ass?
If you have a gas problem, you better not travel to Malawi - the government recently decided that 'fouling the air' was to be outlawed. They take air pollution very seriously.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Grade 1's make me smile...and make me sick
Teacher: "No. Why do you want to sleep?"
Kid: "Cause I'm tired.
Teacher: "Would it be okay if I went to sleep?"
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Peter Pan Syndrome
I'm not sure if I'll ever fully mature to what people may think is a functioning adult. I will always find Family Guy hilarious and relevant, among other cartoons. Cereal is appropriate at any time of the day. Spending all day Saturday in your pajamas is completely normal. Some words will always be humourous and make me giggle....'seamen' (the Navy didn't quite think that one through did they?)
I don't think paying bills and taxes is a way to measure our maturity level. I like to think you're only as old as you feel. I should be coming up on 18 any day now...

You laughed didn't you?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Resolutions, Veganism, and other challenges
Now my new year's resolution is not to become vegan, or even vegetarian for that matter. But, as most people resolve to eat healthier, get in shape, lose weight...blah blah blah...I thought I'd do my own take on it. At least one night a week, I am going to try to have one meal that is completely vegetarian. I know that probably doesn't sound like much, but I thought I'd get more veggies in this way. I can't do the vegan thing though because I can't give up dairy. I really like my cheese...I mean hey, it's even in my name right?
So tonight I made a delicious vegetarian Mediterranean wrap and here is the recipe. (Sorry I kind of just eyeball stuff so there are no measurements).
Vegetables I used:
eggplant, zucchini, red pepper, mushrooms, red onion
Homemade pesto ingredients:
romano cheese
goat cheese
pine nuts
extra virgin olive oil
Whole Wheat Tortilla Wrap
Slice each vegetable and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar to taste. Roast in a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, pulse basil, pine nuts, and garlic in a blender. Drizzle in olive oil and pulse to form paste. Add goat cheese and romano cheese. Blend together.
Spread the pesto on the tortilla wrap and top with roasted vegetables. Enjoy!
Note: Later in the week I used the pesto and leftover veggies and stirred them all in with pasta. Another successful vegetarian meal. Aren't you proud of me?! Except, now all I'm craving is a steak....this is gonna be interesting....
Sunday, January 2, 2011
A Year Gone by

About a month later I turned the big 25 and had a minor quarter life crisis but realized I'm still young and that whining about getting older while still in my 20s is absolutely ridiculous. I've seen things at 25 people will never get to see in their lifetime. So I decided to live in the moment and just enjoy what comes my way. Which often includes cold beers and happiness. (No need for sadness and warm beers right JPD?)

August was my return to Canada and things happened quickly. I moved into a new place at school and started school again. I like to keep myself on my toes.
Teacher's college is definitely it's own culture and it's a little like high school again. You have classes with the same people everyday (or in my case Monday - Wednesday). It's a weird feeling of balancing both being a student and a teacher. Although I can't wait to be finished with school again, I have no clue what's going to happen when I graduate.
The new year brings new resolutions, a new age (26! eeeeek), new friends, and no doubt some new adventures.